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Gluten Detection Dog Training Courses: Starting on Your Service Dog Journey

Are you thinking about training a gluten detection service dog?

You have come to the right place. Introducing a suite of courses to help you decide if training a gluten or allergen detection dog is right for you. Additionally, they will give you the information you need to determine what type of dog will work best for you, how to find a breeder, how to find a trainer, and what the training process entails. These will not teach you how to train a gluten detection dog, as I believe that process must be done under the supervision of a trainer who specializes in gluten detection. We will dive deeper into the why in the courses.

I partnered with gluten detection trainers Kari Bastyr and Dawn Scheu. Together, we are creating a library of courses to help you start your gluten detection dog training journey. 


The first 4 courses are out today.  Each course is a web-based course you can watch at any time.  They each contain course handbooks with additional links to additional references and resources.


Gluten Detection Service Dog Training Courses

Introduction to Service Dog Training

This course covers

- the difference between service dogs, emotional support animals (ESA), and therapy dogs.

- the legalities and rights or the handler.

- service dog registration.

- the cost of training a service dog.

- how to set yourself up for success in training a service dog.

Selecting the Right Service Dog: Aligning Handler Needs with Service Dog Traits

In this course, you will

- understand the different service dog training methods

- understand the service dog training progression

- identify the key traits of a potential service dog

- learn how to match those traits with the handler's needs

- identify the best breeds and optimal age for gluten & allergen detection

Finding the Right Fit Evaluating and Selecting Your Service Dog for Gluten & Allergen Detection

In this course, you will learn

-how to select the right breeder

- red flags and cautions when selecting a breeder

- how to use Early Neurological Stimulation and Early Scent Introduction

- the importance of temperament testing to select your service dog prospect


Understanding Gluten & Allergen Detection: Science, Principles and Methods

In this course, you will learn,

- the science behind scent detection

- different types of scent detection dogs

- imprinting and scent training

- choosing the right alert behaviors

- handler bias and the importance of blind trials

- mechanics of handler influence


Learn from my mistakes

When I decided to train a gluten detection dog, the only information I had was from a single podcast episode.  I impulsively decided I needed to get and train a dog, and I naively jumped into getting a dog and finding a trainer. I chose incorrectly and made many, many mistakes. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made. These courses will provide you with the information you need to understand if training a gluten detection dog is right for you, and how to start the process.

Banner text get started today, 4 complete courses plus handbooks. Course designed to help you determine if it is right for you, and how to get started on the the training journey correctly. Pictured are tablets with courses on them plus the handbooks.

Check out our courses and start your journey today.

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Courses designed by
Kendra Williams and Kari Bastyr

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